Wendy Sacks’s photography is as intense as her life story.

Around the time that Sacks was a 36-year-old doctor, she was diagnosed with a connective tissue disease that manifested as arthritis and caused her joints to become inflamed. She needed a double hip replacement, but doctors were against performing it because they were unsure how long the replacement hips would last considering her young age. Over the next 11 years, Sacks was forced to live with what were described as 86-year-old hips and spent time in a wheelchair while she suffered tremendous pain.

Originally a pediatric emergency medicine physician by training, Sacks was able to get her first hip replacement at 47, followed four years later by the second, along with reconstruction on both shoulders and her right wrist.

Sacks said she had trouble with everyday activities and needed the assistance of an occupational therapist who taught her how to figure out the most basic daily functions, including opening the door of a refrigerator. During this period, Sacks would take baths; sometimes she found it easier to convince her daughter to take one by bringing her in as well. “It was both fun and therapeutic,” Sacks said about spending time in the water. “And when I went in with my daughter, I brought in my camera.”

温蒂出生于美国康乃迪克州,儿科医学学士,随后进修儿科急诊医学。 在她30岁的时候,严重的关节炎和结缔组织疾病让她离开了自己的医疗事业。 2010年她开始使用自己的方式进行拍摄,阐述自我对摄影的理解,随后开始将这种自我表 现与世界共享。

屡获国际摄影奖项: 2013年国际美术摄影比赛大奖; 2013年法国巴黎Merit获得2次陪审员奖; 2012年伦敦特里奥尼尔国际摄影大赛大奖; 2012年第四届WPGA年度摄影师大奖, 2012年艺术类年度摄影师大奖; 2012年意大利威尼斯拉古娜艺术奖; 2012年WPGA街头摄影大赛荣誉奖。 2012年和2011年WPGA茱莉亚·玛格丽特·卡梅伦奖; 2011年中国浙江丽水国际摄影双年展大奖; 2011年美国波特兰PhotoLucida大奖。

她的作品在7个国家举办了超过25场的展览。其作品被许多私人及公共收藏机构收藏,其中 包括法国巴黎国家图书馆,中国河北石家庄艺术博物馆,中国北京正午文化艺术中心等。