Peter Zupnik was born in Levoca, Slovakia, on 14 August 1961. From 1976 to 1980 he trained as a commercial photographer at the Central School of Arts and Crafts, Kosice, Slovakia. He continued his training as a photographer at FAMU, prague, graduating in 1986, and has worked as a freelance photographer since 1987. Also in the late 1980s he became a member of a group of artists called Most (Bridge, in English), and later became a member of the Prague House of Photography. In 1995 he moved to Paris, where he lives and works to this day. I recent years, he has been spending more and more time trabelling, both for business and pleasure, between France, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia. Already during his years in Prague, Zupnik showed himself to be one of the most striking members of the “Slovak New Wave”, an informal group of young Slovak photo-graphers training under Jan Smok at FAMU. After some initial attempts at photojournalism Zupnik also became one of the first photographers in Czechoslovakia to make photography with subtly added painting. This work, in appearance and meaning, goes beyond the boundaries of reality. It is in the series Little Big Thing (from the 1990s), in which he searches for Hidden poetry by means of close-ups, short depth of field, and additional painting, that Zupnik expresses his fascination with small, apparently banal objects, and products of nature most strikingly. The introductory essay to the volume is by Lucia L. Fiserova (b. 1977), an art historian, freelance curator, and critic of photography.

彼特·祖尼科1961年8月出生于斯洛伐克。1976年至1980年,在斯洛伐克工艺美术学院学习摄影,接着在布拉格FAMU继续进修,于1986年毕业。1987年开始自己自由摄影师生涯。在80年代晚期,他曾加入了一个称为Most的艺术家群组,之后成为了布拉格摄影协会的一员。1995年,他移居巴黎,现工作居住在那里。最近几年,他用越来越多的时间和精力去旅游,在法国、捷克和斯洛伐克之间行走,这其中既有商务出差也有私人旅行。彼特在布拉格期间,把自己定位为斯洛伐克新浪潮的弄潮儿,这是一批在Famu受到简· 斯莫克熏陶下的年轻摄影师组织。经过一些纪实摄影初步尝试后,祖尼科成为了捷克斯洛伐克首批可以巧妙的用摄影与油画进行补充的摄影师之一。这类形式的出现及意义表面上看是依附大量的现实而形成的。在小物件系列(自上世纪90年代开始创作)中,他通过特写、缩短景深和额外绘画的方式寻找一种潜在的诗意,祖尼科对一些精巧有年代感的物件,还有一些引人注目的自然物体感兴趣。
