Born in 1972 in Brno, Moravia, Czech republic and still lives there.

In 2008 graduated as BcA in photography,

in 2012 as MgA in photography at Silesian University in Opava, Czech republic.

Winner of the portfolio review at FOTOFO festival, Bratislava, 2003.

First place in the annual competition by THE PHOTO REVIEW journal, Philadelphia, 2004.

First place in the category Fine art/Abstract by IPA – INTERNATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY AWARDS, Los Angeles, 2004.

Honorary prize in international competition MiO Photo Awards, Osaka, 2005.

Exhibition at RHUBARB-RHUBARB festival, Birmingham, 2004.

Work included in an exhibition „BEST OF SHOW“, Gallery 1401, The University of the Arts, Philadelphia, 2004.

Work included in an exhibition MiO Photo Awards, Osaka, 2005.

Important show Photomandalas exhibition in Philadelphia Museum of Art, 2008.

Work in collection of Museum of Fine Arts in Houston, USA, Musset for Fotokunst, Odense, Danmark and Kiyosato Museum of Photographic Arts, Japan. Many private collections.

  • 1972年出生于捷克共和国摩拉维亚,现定居捷克。
  • 2008年获得BcA摄影学位。
  • 2012年获得捷克共和国奥帕瓦大学MgA摄影学位。
  • 2003年获伯拉第斯拉瓦FOTOFO摄影节评审组金奖。
  • 2004年获得由费城THE PHOTO REVIEW杂志组办的年度摄影比赛一等奖。
  • 2004年,在洛杉矶获得由国际摄影金像奖颁发的艺术/抽象类金奖。
  • 2005年,在大板获得MiO摄影奖国际比赛荣誉奖。
  • 2004年,在伯明翰RHUBARA-RHUBARA摄影节举办个展。
  • 2004年,在费城艺术学院1401画廊参加“最佳呈现”联展。
  • 2005年,在MiO摄影节参加联展作品获奖。
  • 2008年,在费城艺术博物馆参加重要展览“摄影的曼陀罗”。
