Brett Weston Bio

A Restless Eye: A Biography of Photographer Brett Weston, John Charles Woods, Erica Weston Editions LLC. MO. 2011.

Brett Weston: Out of the Shadow, ed. Stephen Bennett Phillips, Oklahoma City Museum of Art, OK. 2008.
Fifteen Photographs, Brett Weston (Afterword by Roger Aikìn), Lodìma Press, PA 2007.

New York, Brett Weston (Introduction by Beaumont Newhall, Afterword by Roger Aikín), Lodima Press, PA 2007.

San Francisco, Brett Weston (Afterword by Roger Aikín), Lodìma Press. PA 2005.

Dune: Edward and Brett Weston, ed. Kurt Markus, Wild Horse Island Press, MT, 2003.

Hawaii: Fifty Photographs, Brett Weston, Photography West Graphics. CA, 1992.

Brett Weston: Master Photographer, Brett Weston, Photography West Graphics, CA, 1989.

Brett Weston: A Personal Selection, Brett Weston, Photography West Graphics, CA. 1986.

Brett Weston: Photographs from Five Decades, ed. RH Craves, Aperture, NY, 1980.

Brett Weston: Voyage of the Eye, Brett Weston, Aperture, 1975.

Brett Weston: Photographs, Merle Armitage, E Weyhe, 1956.

Brett Weston: Photographer, d. Art Wright, 1972.

Brett Weston: One of a Kind, d. Ed Cismondi, Jr., 1977

1935, 1936, 1939, 1940, 1942, 1950, 1952, 1953, 1956, 1957, 1960, 1961, 1962

Other articles and Reproductions
“Brett Weston: Selections from the Brett Weston Archive Intro by Laurie Dahlberg. Freedman Gallery, Reading, 2006
Passion and Precision: Photographs from the Collection of Margaret W. Weston, Dale W. Stulz, Monterey Museum of Art, California, 2003, 31.

“The Unknown Brett Weston,” Henry Rassmussen and Jon Burris, 2:8 (Aug. 2000), 68-83, 124-129.

“Mining the Brett Weston Archives,” Steve Simmons. View Camera, 11:5 (Sept/Oct. 1998), 48-53.

“The Cowboy Cop,” Aaron Dygart, Photo Techniques, 17:5 (Spt./Oc‘t. 1996), 40-42.

“Keeping It in the Family,” Trevor Gett, British Journal of Photography, 142:55 (Dec 1995 ) 16-17

Brett Weston photographs can be found in the following collections:
Center of Creative Photography
Getty Museum
Monterey Museum of Art
Norton Simon Museum
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
Santa Barbara Museum of Art
University of California at Santa Cruz Special Collections
Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center
Honolulu Academy of Arts
Art Institute of Chicago
LSU Museum of Art
The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art
Currier Museum of Art
Museum of Fine Arts
Colgate University
George Eastman House
International Center of Photography
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Museum of Modern Art
Whitney Museum of American Art
Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art University of Oklahoma
Oklahoma City Museum of Art
Freedman Gallery Albright College
Philadelphia Museum of Art
Amon Carter Museum
Museum of Fine Arts. Houston
Phillips Collection
National Gallery of Art
Smithsonian American Art Museum


布雷特·韦斯顿生于1911年,是爱德华·韦斯顿的第二个儿子,是韦斯顿家族中孕育的另一位杰出的摄影大师,其横溢的才华甚至超越了父亲与家族的其他成员。在美国芸芸的摄影大师中,布雷特被誉为一个不可多得的天才,在六十年的拍摄过程中创作了无数的佳作。在摄影史上经常将布雷特·韦斯顿的作品与爱德华韦斯顿的作品进行比较,其实透过其作品我们能很强烈的感受到他从父亲那里所继承来的衣钵。然而布雷特并不是对于爱德华的单纯继承,而是在继承其思想的基础上进行了与自我意识的融合。布雷特的作品相 比与爱德华的作品带有着更加客观,更加直接的表达方式。如果说爱德华·韦斯顿的作品是借物抒情,布雷特的作品则更像是以情寄物。布雷特的作品更像是美国摄影流派中对于新客观主义的一种表现。


布雷特的创作并没有受到父亲的框限,而是包罗万象。由细腻的风光,雄伟的建筑,微观的花草,抽象的图案到水中的人体,每每表现出他高超的技巧与内涵。其早期的作品(1925-1935) 还显现出父亲的影子,但接下来的照片完全摆脱了这个框框而自树一格。而正是这种创新的手法使得布雷特挤身于摄影大师的行列中。布雷特的作品常常是我们身边熟悉的景物,但是他把那些自然的线条显现在相片上的手法使人惊叹。观者往往会被他的作品深深的感染,通过这些自然的影调,布雷特·韦斯顿述说了他眼中的世界。